A Candid Blog Interview with Aaryn Doyle...

Who is Aaryn Doyle?
Actress, Singer, Model & Teen.

Aaryn Doyle started acting and modeling at the age of six. When asked why she started in the business,she beams, "My mom modelled and I just knew it was something I would do."
When asked how long have you been singing?
"I can't remember not singing... I've been singing for as long as I can remember. Wow that's weird... But I love to sing."
What do you like most about being a performer? "I like making people smile or giving them an escape from reality even if it's just for a moment in time."
How has being a young performer impacted your life?
"It has been positive and good, but it's also been hard because I've had to miss out on doing normal things with friends, 'cause I'm working, or I miss out on things that happen in class because I have a series I'm recording, or I'm filming and the two commitments conflict. My mom helps to schedule me and I try to get it all done; but I swear there are not enough hours in a day. The scheduling load sometimes just isn't easy, especially since I attend regular school, unlike a lot of kids in the business."
Do the kids at school get what you do?
"I don't think so? I mean some of them get it but most others don't... Some think that because I don't have the time to socialize like other kids because of my acting commitments etc., that I am being a snob, but that's not it at all. At my school I feel like the odd man out because I am the only person who does what I do. And most of the kids and the teachers don't get it. Then there are the days absent... The absences are the worst for the teachers to understand and I just get penalized for it. But it's not like I'm skipping class. Skipping is not in my mom's vocabulary...
I tried that once, it doesn't work. In my high school I stick out. I am 5'10" tall, medium to slim build, bi-racial with curly hair and I am a working actor, model & singer and that leaves me in a minority of 'ONE' with a lot of people who would rather be jealous and petty than get to know me (which is kind of cruel and unfair but hey I've decided it must come with the territory). The truth is, I am harmless & so very normal; and what I do is not so different than most other kids extracurricular activity wise, except mine is in the entertainment industry. And seriously, most of the time what goes on behind the scenes on set is not that glamorous any way.
What are your friends like and how do they deal with your schedule?
"Well my friends are pretty understanding now. I've lost friends over the years because they just didn't get it and a lot of my other friend are in the industry
and are not really close by... Inconvenient! But my bestfriends are chill. They get me they know who they are and I love them for being them and allowing me to be me and not letting the performing thing be an issue
Aaryn, how young were you when you knew you wanted to be an entertainer?
(Aaryn shyly smiles)... "My mom says I told her one day while I was two and watching one of my Disney VHS' in my playroom. I turned to her and I said mommy I'm going to be on TV and she said... That's nice dear. The following year I started kindergarten and two years later I won through to the final rounds of Model Search America at age five, but my mom said I had to wait till I was six and that I had to be sure this was what I wanted to do. After my birthday we went to Rochester, I got a Canadian Agent, and the rest is history as they would say and now here I am."
What is it like being a tall actress?
"Wow! That's a good question... I do a lot of roles where I play someone older than I am, and it has always been that way. Height can be a disadvantage as most actors are not tall, but I really think that the directors and producers can look beyond height to find the talent they need if the right actor comes along. I must say though that there are times that I do feel like an amazon."
You mentioned that you model, how much modeling do you do?
"When I was younger... I did a lot more, until the acting took over and it wasn't feasible to run back and forth from Toronto since we live out of town for modeling jobs. But now that I am older I want to go back and do more. Recently I did the Becel National Magazine Print AD Campaign with my mom and that was a blast. However I do love food and I am a size three and I believe that if I was to model, I would have to become a size one... So I'm waiting till my teen body finishes settling in before I venture back into the modeling field full time. So maybe when I'm sixteen."
How much singing do you do?
"Singing is something I do a lot of... Well maybe too much? I have a regular gig where I sing with a Toronto band TBS and have been doing so since I was ten years old. My dad was in the band first, as the lead male vocalist, and they'd get me up on stage to sing and I'd go because I was fearless and the crowd would really really like me. At age thirteen they invited me to be the female lead vocalist of the band. Then one day I was seen by the Downchild Blues band and Chuck Jackson the lead singer and the band; they were so impressed with me he invited me to jam with them at an open mike and to jam at the South Side Shuffle so I went and it was a blast. That was the first time I was offered a recording contract... But the time was not right so my parents an I declined the offer. On most weekends I can be seen at some major venue or at a convention doing my vocal calisthenics with TBS, because that's my regular singing gig and it's all good, 'cause I love to sing and entertain. "
So Aaryn are there enough minutes and hours in a day for you and is your life stressfull or calm?
"No and Yes & NO... As a teen my life is filled with all of the stresses of making it through my teen years. And sometimes they are the doledrums. But hey on a lighter note please check out Camp Rock on the Disney & Family chanel, and don't forget the soundtrack release on June 17th giving a special listen to "WHAT IT TAKES" by Lola AKA Me. Love & Peace to everyone. And oh yeah get involvd in the Bandaid jingle when it comes out you never know, you may just win the prize. Oh and yes there are calm moments in my days. Thanks for asking."

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